What do you do when the drugs run out?
There’s a title you can take at least four ways: There are probably others that don’t occur to me at the moment. I suspect it…
There’s a title you can take at least four ways: There are probably others that don’t occur to me at the moment. I suspect it…
Remember the commercials for the “Girls Gone Wild” videos? You were promised all these nubile young things doing all sorts of questionable activities. It turned…
First, in GrandThings news, they’ve both had their 1-year checkup a bit late (Thanks, Wuflu-drive staffing shortages. That crap is the gift that keeps on…
It sure hasn’t been for the last two weeks. I’ve got several things I want to write about, but tomorrow is the last of a…
It’s time to raise your level of awareness. No, you can’t live in Condition Orange all the time, but if you live in a city,…
Published in late 2014, William Forstchen’s novella Dies Irae could easily be read in a short afternoon (the audiobook, which I listened to, is 4…
First a note on the GrandThings. Grandthings celebrated their first birthday last weekend, much to the enjoyment of the assembled family and friends. Much cake…
It occured to me that while people are willing to give me useful items for some of these funny pieces of green paper, I might…
The ZeroHedge headline: “Western US Braces For Loss Of Solar-Powered Generation During Solar Eclipse“. The grid operator’s short-term forecasting team detailed the eclipse’s impacts to…
It’s time to get back at it. I’m not 100%, but whatever percent I am will have to do. I’ve said many times that “Collapse…
The Wuflu (Election Variant) is in da ho-o-ouse! Daughter got it first, this past Sunday and likely from a coworker who had picked it up…
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman is the first book of a two-book series, the other being “What Do You Care What Other People Think?”: Further…
In the tradition of the “hot/crazy matrix”, I present the “FAFO spectrum” lesson. YouTube being YouTube, they are going to make you go to their…
I ran across something that may prove useful even if things don’t go sideways. While you’re building that thing, be careful to vet the kit…
(Via The Merge) We’re all familiar with things like Google Earth. How about something done by synthetic aperture radar, with 16 cm resolution? Availability of…
Wow. That one came zinging in from the outfield. What does this appliance know that I need to know?
The usefulness of battery-powered yard tools has surprised me. A year ago, when my gas string trimmer crapped out after just two years, I decided…
This just in via the UK Daily Mail–there’s no correlation between the strictness and severity of gun control laws and the incidence of mass shootings.…
Well, he wasn’t in the dark, because this blackout started at 9 AM. Somebody hit a pole near us. The power went off, came back…
It’s been an interesting month since the last report, mostly in a Chinese interesting sort of way. Plus it’s been an expensive month around here.…
As I mentioned a (long) while back, I was going to be at the Southeast Old Threshers Reunion, an annual event held in the thriving…
I spend an inordinate amount of time listening to podcasts. It’s a great way to multi-task. Mowing the yard? Listen to a podcast. Driving to…
Three months since I did a report? And it’s taken me a week to write this one. Bad Freeholder! Grandthings go first. At a little…
On this day in 1944, The US, Great Britain, Canada, Poland and others landed troops on the shores of Normandy, France. Like the one pictured…