Stop The Bleed Month
May is Stop The Bleed Month. Stop The Bleed is a program of instruction aimed at teaching bystanders how to save lives by preventing exsanguination–you…
May is Stop The Bleed Month. Stop The Bleed is a program of instruction aimed at teaching bystanders how to save lives by preventing exsanguination–you…
Since I last posted, I’ve gone from feeling better and getting back to it to slowly feeling worse. For the last two days, Mrs. Freeholder…
A tractor? You bought a tractor? Seriously? Yes, yes we have. And while I can make a good, reasoned case for such an extravagant purchase,…
I’m making progress, but it’s slow progress. The NP at the doc-in-a-box declared this stuff to be sinusitis with a side of sinus infection, but…
It never fails that someone gets some variant of The Yuck at this time of year. This is a banner year for Yuck, as the…
We hung the hummingbird feeders Friday morning and saw our first customer yesterday. I expect it was a transient, just stopping in for gas and…
I think it’s been watching Easy Rider or something.
(I want to let you in on something of a cosmic joke. After writing of my medical issues of the recent past, I thought I…
(As found on Gab.) Because I can tell companies like Google to go pound sand, at least up to a point. Meet the AI-Censored? Naked…
Neither had I until today. I’m filing this one away for when the grandsquids are old enough. The Microschool Movement Is Taking Off in Tennessee
Now in stock. Sorry about the ads, but Rumble has to get paid somehow. There are skip buttons a few seconds in at the bottom…
I had to go to a new plug-in, but there is now a working dark mode for the blog. Don’t know why the old one…
I think I may be nudging up to the edge of normality, although events of this week make me wonder. But I know that people…
It seems my “dark mode” plugin has crapped all over the bed, rendering images invisible when in dark mode. For the time being, it’s been…
I’ve been fighting a(nother) war with the migraines. Winter is usually a bad time, but this winter has been a test. My neurologist and I…
Perhaps the fifth try is the winner. Seriously, this is (at least) my fifth try at writing this. I get interrupted to help with the…
For once I thought we’d get through the holiday season without anything more than a minor illness. Yeah, right. We’ve been dealing with an extended…
NOTE, 1/8/2024: I had to make a big edit, as I left the entire quotation of the “War” predictions out of the original. Mea culpa.…
The new version of Intellectual Froglegs is available for your viewing and edification.
I had wanted to put this up earlier, but I had to head outside to take in certain decorations before they got rained on. Lawn…
So we find ourselves on Christmas Eve (actually Day as I write this) and Mrs. Freeholder is busily wrapping presents. I’ve been doing the housework–vacuuming…
Is this officially a thing? It’s being treated as if it is. Pretty soon they’ll be starting Christmas in October. Oh, wait… So far today,…
(Found on Gab) For a goodly while I’ve been using the Brave web browser and have been quite pleased with its (and its associated search…
I don’t want to say I live a boring life, but really, I live a boring life. Lately, it’s been more boring than usual. I…
If you’ve been at the prepping thing for any length of time, you’ve heard about freeze-dried foods, even if you haven’t bought any. Freeze-dried foods…
We’ve had another spell of warmer-than-usual weather, so I disappeared awhile. The good news is that 90% of the stuff that I like to have…
We here at the Freehold would like to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. We are thankful for our continued mornings on the right…
Last week, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress about the terrorist threat to the homeland (I hate that term) among other things. On cue,…
For what you are about to receive, may you be truly thankful. 🙂 The GrandThing subreport: GrandThings are doing well. Thing 1 is crawling when…
We’ve had over a week of unseasonably warm weather, along with a couple of migraines, here in Freeholdland, so I’ve been outside working myself into…