Rain delays, doctor appointments and so on could delay me but not stop me. The wood is carried and stacked. By measurement, this is between 2 1/4 and 2 1/2 cords of wood. It still needs to be tarped, but there is tomorrow after I get back from another freaking doctor’s appointment for that.
That just leaves trimming bushes/trees, vehicle washing and “waxing” (you don’t really wax cars these days, you put on a coating), grass mowing/trimming/blowing, edging all the plantings, finishing the irrigation work, taking down 5-6 small trees, pressure washing the house, sweeping the chimney, swapping out the rotator on my beam VHF/UHF antenna and putting in the radials and assembling and tuning my new HF antenna before cold weather sets in.
I need to go back to work. Retirement is wearing me out.
You’ll never be done carrying wood . . . 🙂
I got the wood stack done, the tomatoes made into sauce. Picked some of the squashes, more coming, then pull up the vines, and also pick the beans and peas for seed. We don’t do vehicle or house washing, but the gardens will need to be cleaned up soon. I trim some of brush during the year, so that’s done. We still need to clean the chimneys. I don’t know how I did all this while I was still working.
I’ve often made that comment myself, but I do know how I did it-I was a lot younger and I had 2 slaves, er, children, to help.