Time to ridicule the anti-gunners and anti-gun politicians

(Via the Drudge Report)

Yes, I know, this is something you’d never expect to see here. Ahem.

The weekend just past saw a gun show in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal except for the hard core anti-gun crowd, but OMG Parkland. How dare these terrible people have a gun show anywhere within 200,000 miles of these poor, traumatized children.

What a load of chicken feces. I have to wonder about the parents of the dead kids and the parents of the ones who are being used as shills. What the hell are they thinking? You’re going to allow the memory of your kid to be used like this to advance the viewpoint of people who don’t give a tinker’s damn about you? You’re allowing your kid to be paraded around and used as a meat puppet to spew out the opinions of the same cynical groups? Great Bleeding Ghu.

Deep breath…10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Exhale. OK. Blood pressure is out of the stroke zone.

Of course, said gun show went off without a hitch. None of the evil guns jumped up and shot anyone and no gun show loop holes were seen to be waving signs saying “Criminals! Buy guns here!” Blood still stubbornly refused to flow in the aisles as the crowd refused to start shooting over slights real or imagined. Funny how that works.

But for the Fort Lauderdale city commissioners, none of that is good enough. They want the gun show gone. For the families.

“I fully respect the right of people to own guns,” Mayor Dean Trantalis said on Saturday. “I just don’t feel we should have a gun show in the middle of Holiday Park, a playground where children play soccer, volleyball and baseball.”

So the mayor respects your right to own a gun, he just wants to make it more difficult for you to buy one. Because 7 weekends a year, reasons. OK, got that.

Fortunately, Mr. Mayor doesn’t know when to shut up. Pro Tip: Politicians, learn when to shut up–it’s a job skill.

On Saturday, Trantalis was stunned to hear that families were bringing children to the gun show, where firearms of all types were for sale, from tiny pistols to AR-15s like the semi-automatic rifle used in the Parkland shooting.

“Wow,” Trantalis said. “What can I say. I don’t know how to respond to that.”

Well, Mr. Mayor, your best move would have been to shut that gaping stupidity dispenser in the middle of your face. Failing that, you could have fallen back on your earlier “I fully respect the right of people to own guns.” Luckily for us, you let your true feelings came out. You’re a liar–you no more support the Second Amendment than City Commissioner Heather Moraitis, who tweeted:

“When our contract ends this fall with Gun Show, I hope we never see the words Fort Lauderdale-Gun Show-War Memorial again. It’s time to think about different programming options at War Memorial in the heart of our city.”

The elected elite in Greensboro, NC recently tried this crap with the Greensboro Gun and Knife Show. The immediate blow back from the local gunnies shut that down fast. Here’s hoping the Fort Lauderdale gunnies let their elected “betters” know that the way out the door will be paved with an attempt to close their local gun show.

Get up on your hind legs and fight, people. The other side isn’t going to go away. There is no slacking off. The battle is every day, from now until forever.

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