Home2005May11Lt. Pantano–Recommendation delayed Lt. Pantano–Recommendation delayed May 11, 2005February 15, 2021 The San Jose Mercury-News is reporting that The officer who presided over a pretrial hearing for a Marine suspected in the murder of two Iraqis expects to recommend this week whether the case goes forward for a court martial, a military spokesman said Monday. I’m still watching.
A “Hallelujah!” Connie du Toit is blogging again! Yipee! For those who don’t know, Connie is Kim du Toit’s wife. She is…
An anti-gun measure goes down in flames Well, it started out life as a law to protect a perfectly legal industry, firearms manufacturers, from nonsense lawsuits. It…
What good can a handgun do against an Army? (Pointed out on a Usenet Newsgroup. Thanks, Gunner.) What good can a handgun do against an Army? I’m not sure…