I’ve been sharing the occasional thing I’ve read with The Email List That Must Not Be Named. When looking at opinion pieces, rather than news, he theme seems to be one of impending collapse of all aspects of the US.
Although things do appear bleak, I have to wonder how much of this is simply negativity feeding on negativity and forming a feedback loop. I also wonder if we’re creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve read this week along these lines. They come from various aggregator sites, things I’ve received from various folks I know and so on.
- Charles Hugh Smith on “Here’s Why the “Impossible” Economic Collapse Is Unavoidable” We’re already too far gone for anything to save us except Divine intervention.
- Steve Blumenthal’s weekly “On My Radar” column “The Pandemic and Debt” How the Wuflu is going to drive the debt crisis into overdrive and finally a catastrophic failure.
- From the Daily Caller, “The Twilight Of Great American Cities Is Here. Can We Stop It?” 60 years’ worth of population increase has left NYC in less than 6 months? If accurate, holy crap. Also, lots of links to more stories along this vein. And the obligatory swipe at Trump, the source from whom all evil flows. It is the Daily Caller, after all.
- “An unexpected systemic crisis is for sure”. When available credit starts to fall, bad things happen.
- On the lighter side, a scientist has forecast the method and time of the end of the universe.
Read and draw your own conclusions.