Home2011October12I guess it isn’t breaking and entering if the police do it I guess it isn’t breaking and entering if the police do it October 12, 2011February 15, 2021 (Via the Drudge Report) Especially if they have good intentions. Police were willing to stir-up a little proactive controversy to warn folks they were easy targets for some very busy thieves. Any car doors they found unlocked they opened up and locked themselves for the owner. They admit they did get some angry calls from drivers — who left their keys inside their unlocked cars.
Need proof that we are going to be seen as weak? (Via the Drudge Report) US President Barack Obama’s offer to talk to Iran shows that America’s policy of “domination” has…
Denial is not a river in Egypt Apparently it also runs through the office of Freddie Mac’s CEO: Freddie’s Forecast Seems A Little Too Bright As CNBC’s…
There will be order! Five girls in Ohio are facing criminal charges for playing a real-life version of Super Mario Brothers: Five teenage girls…