(Via Greg Ellifritz)
If you’ve done any formal self defense training, you’ve probably gotten some variation on the advice that you have to use force, use it fast enough and use enough of it to end the fight NOW.
Most people probably can not do that. We’re wired by society not too. Some can, because they’ve overcome that programming. Those are the people you want on your side if trouble comes.
I see that we read some of the same blogs, Mr. F. – hope you are some better this holiday.
May your Thanksgiving be a grateful one with family all around… best, redclay7
Greg always has lot of great links and information. I should stop by his place more.
I’ll have to leave that particular capability to others who are, in nearly all cases, younger and more physically fit than I. I suspect it’s quite difficult to get to that state without significant experience actually dealing with hostile situations.
Gotta get around to an e-mail soon… 73