Is all those things that you haven’t done are still there, waiting for you.
By a series of accidents that can only be the hand of God moving in my life, we’ve figured out, for now at least, a way to keep my migraines in check. It was a simple as removing one med for the witch’s brew of stuff I’ve been taking. The new CGRP antagonist drugs are great. I was on the one I was on since the first or second month it was on the market, meaning I was a part of the unofficial field trials for the thing. And it was a miracle early on. But it seems that at some point in the past is stopped helping and started hurting. Too much CGRP is bad, but so is too little, and here I am actively doing away with it to the point where I had lapsed over to the bad side. I guess that’s why this is called “practicing medicine”. One day they get good enough to do it for a living. 😉
At any rate, the migraines are down to 1-2 per month. However, not having so many migraines has uncovered that I also have several good old-fashioned tension headaches per week. Compared to migraines, those are usually nothing, but the same drugs that worked as rescue meds for my migraines work a serious trick for a tension headache. My thought is that the tension headaches may have set off at least some of the migraines, but my neurologist isn’t so sure. In the long run, I’m not so sure it matters.
So, I’ve been spending every available hour catching up on things here, playing with the grandkids more and doing more of the housework to take some load off of Mrs. Freeholder. I’ve also been on a serious media diet, just to preserve my sanity. I do read some, but I’m just can’t keep up the near-obsessive consumption that has marked a large part of my adult life. I still know most of what’s going on, but from about 15,000 feet. That has had the effect of increasing my calm but killing me for a lot of the things that would motivate me to write.
Mrs. Freeholder has also recently started demanding more of my free time. I’ll leave it to your fertile imaginations what’s going on but keep those imaginations out of the gutter. 🙂
I’m going to try, but not guarantee, getting back at it here. I said that before, and I may fail at it again. My motivation to spend a lot of time on a keyboard is pretty much at an all-time low. There are so many other things to do. Despite being in something of a cold snap at the moment, Spring really is just around the corner here in my part of North Carolina. A lot of the plants in our plant beds are starting to show signs of life. That means it’s also pruning time. I never should have planted so much stuff.
Allow me to wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a glorious Inauguration Day, all rather late. And a Happy Valentine’s Day on time. We have the grandkids today, so a trip out to a nice meal will have to wait for tomorrow. Tonight, I shall cook steaks here at home. I’ll spend some of the weekend trying to figure out exactly how I’m going to find the inspirations for more and more regular posting. In the meantime, keep minding your six.
Did you look into the Angela Stanton Migraine Protocol? Many interviews on youtube just search for that. We’ve found it works for our migraines and most “regular” headaches too.
Well, nice to hear from you again! And I hope something works to control the migraines, etc. I swear, every time I take something to help with a problem, or pain, it causes some other problem. Even something as ‘benign’ as ibuprofen gave me a little trouble last week – upset stomach and a few very short dizzy spells.
Good luck. We’re working through ice and snow.
Thanks for posting.
I was starting to worry about you.