Coming soon to a country near you

The best $2/month you can spend.

Somewhere on this blog I wrote about how a civil war in the US would not look like the Late Unpleasantness, but more like Beruit. Multiple factions, multiple alliances of convenience, all shifting at random. Today, we’re friends with the folks in the 900 block of Shire Road, tomorrow they’re our blood enemies and must be wiped from the face of the earth.

Cue the place where Great Britain once was. They aren’t there yet, and still have a good way to go, but that little sawed-off Napolean Starmer seems intent on throwing gasoline on the fire. And if the UK police want to try and have me packaged up and sent to them for trial, give it a go. But send your people to pick me up.

I think I’m going to wear this clip out.

3 thoughts on “Coming soon to a country near you

  1. My unimportant aside: that clip irritates me. The least they could have done is have a similar model of airplane for the wave-off and the crash. Same lazy movie-making in Top Gun dog-fight scenes. Grr.
    Aside to the aside: we had an A-6 Intruder coming in for a landing on the Constellation CV-64 with both main tires blown out due to over-inflation. Each wing had a hole in it the size of my then-skinny waist. Armored hydraulic lines were severed, so the pilot was losing control. They caught the arresting wire slightly sideways and started drifting towards the island. Fun times.

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