Report from the OP, July 28, 2024

Yeah, I’ve been gone for 3-ish weeks. The migraines broke out again. Uncooperative weather and not enough sleep are the culprits, I think. In doing some research into a possible link between migraines and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, the Brave search engine’s AI came up with the belief, unsupported by any science I can find, that there is a link between the two. I’ve long thought there was, but I’m an anecdote rather than data. I had a nice visit with the neurologist who treats my migraines on Monday, and he got to see what I look like in the middle of a whopping migraine that was unmedicated at the time. The hunt for a root cause continues. I hope to find something that will bring some relief. Healing would be nice, but at this point, relief will do.

The Grandthings continue to grow. Both are now talking and can string together two words. Thing 1 is still behind her brother in some ways and ahead of him in others. Everyone is happy that she has made so much progress. We were worried there for a while.

Turning to our usual topics, we see that the world is still treading the narrow path between order and disorder. The war in Ukraine continues but has been knocked out of the headlines except for occasional appearances, at least in the places I lurk. There has been an attempt by the Chinese to broker a peace deal, but nothing has come of it so far except some headlines.

Speaking of China, that country continues to attack its neighbors under the guise of “protecting their territorial waters”. However, a recent agreement may have taken the tension down a notch for this week. Of course, Taiwan would disagree.

The Chinese and the Russians recently flew into the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone. This is the first time the Chinese have flown their H-6 bombers in this area.

Talking about wars and rumors of war, let’s not forget the Israelis, the Palestinians, the Houthis, and the Lebanese. That group are all tap dancin’ on a landmine.

The 2024 Olympics have begun in Paris. The opening ceremony offended many people with its drag queens and multi-culti Last Supper reenactment. But they had the best of intentions–just ask them. Additionally, some well-organized group has attacked the French railway system, apparently doing substantial damage. Remus had it right–avoid crowds.

Wildfires in the US and Canada are making headlines. The Park Fire in California and the fire in Jasper, Alberta are both getting a lot of press, but numerous smaller fires dot the North American landscape. El Nino has brought drought to much of the continent, and that plus poor wildland management policies has set the stage for another round of firery destruction.

Here in the US, I just about feel like letting out a good sigh. The attempted assassination of President Donald Trump leads things off. This has been and continues to be a shit show for many reasons, all of the revolving around “How did this loser get close enough to take a shot at Trump without anyone doing anything to stop him?” It seems that poor communications, poor training, and inter-agency dysfunction are major causes, but I’m not the only one to say that there is a pervading odor of “setup”. The media is trying to bury this story, and that contributes to the stench. If this had been Biden, we’d have all been ordered to turn in our guns by now.

Next, we have the RNC and Trump’s selection of Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate. I’m not sure which event triggered the liberals more. But the hatein’ on Vance is amusing to watch. I’ve been re-listening to Hillbilly Elegy, Vance’s autobiographical memoir. Oddly enough, we may be related through a shared connection to the Hatfield family. Yes, those Hatfields. It would be well past shirt-tail kin, but it’s fun to think of.

Then we have the long overdue decision of Sloe Joe Biden to end his reelection campaign in favor of his much-loved and highly thought of Vice President, Kamala “Kneepads” Harris. Folks, if you thought the Biden presidency was a dumpster fire, just wait and see what you get if this…person…gets into the highest office in the land.

The continuing inflation, increasing levels of poverty and homelessness among our poor and now moving into our middle class, all that has faded into the background in large part. Who cares what happens to We The People?

Locally, it just keeps getting better and better. Prices for everything you go to the store for continue to rise. Sure, the pace is slower, but they just keep going up. While the captive media trumpet “Inflation is down!” they ignore the reality that prices aren’t. In our everyday lives, all that past inflation is still alive and well, eating into our paychecks and our retirement checks. This had better end soon or we’ll all be living the CheapRVLiving lifestyle.

New housing starts seem to be picking up a bit. I’d hate to have to buy a house now. I hope the people buying this latest crop can make it work out. However, I can still take you on a tour of the folks living in RVs in what I suspect are the yards of a family member. Better than a rolled-up newspaper in a septic tank.

On a personal level, I’ve managed to keep up with most things around the homestead. I was able to spend two or three hours on the tractor (finally!) last Saturday, and I was amazed at what a game-changer this is going to be. I accomplished more in that time span than I could have in two or three days. If I can keep things moving, I might get caught up and start making some progress again.

I’ve taken great pleasure in watching this year’s hummingbirds raiding our feeders. We’re at the point where we’re going through 10 pounds of sugar a week (at twice plus last year’s prices) feeding the little buggers. I can almost hold the feeder out and get them to feed from it.

It’s time to get up and hang some fresh feeders, then get ready for Sunday supper with the kids and grandkids. As dicey as things feel, I’m not going to let it get me down. Onward, Buttercup!

Out here.

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