Well, that’s an hour of my life I won’t get back

Good grief. In a move that’s rather out of character for me, I watched the first hour or so of last night’s Presidential debate. I could have watched the first five minutes and arrived at the same conclusions.

Out onto the stage shuffled a stooped Joe Biden, eyes downcast. I know the guy’s 81, but he looked older. Contrast that to Donald Trump’s entry. At 79, Trump looked 10 or 15 years younger. He strode onto the stage erect and with that same take-no-prisoners look we saw in his Georgia booking photo.

I think the man has taken all the shit he plans on taking. As a fellow I used to work with was fond of saying, “I ain’t here to play, I’m here to stay,” and I just got that vibe off of Trump.

When Biden spoke, my reaction was “Good grief, they’ve practiced him so hard he’s going to lose his voice.” I used to sound like that after the kids’ high school football games. But it was what he said and how he said it when answering questions that I went “Dude is out to lunch–permanently.” You don’t get the feel for just how bad off Biden is in the little clips you see on the various conservative news sites. But when you see him, minute after minute, question after question, in a setting where “Dr.” Jill or his aides can’t assist him or where the friendly media can’t edit out the worst parts that you see just what kind of zombie the Democrats stole an election have put in place.

Biden has never been known as a mental powerhouse, but this was bad. All he could do was fumble the talking points he’d undoubtedly been trained on for the last week. Trump was having none of it. He forcefully pointed out the stumbles, the lies and half-truths and the times Joe mumbled out a non-sequitur, weird answer/non-answer or non-factual attack.

On the other hand,Trump was clear in his answers, even though he didn’t answer every question put to him. He was clear in calling out Biden’s obvious mental deficits. He deflected the attacks, pointing out how each on had been proven to be a lie. He was all there.

I will also give props to the CNN moderators, who had widely been expected to play a partisan role. I think they did a good job at being even-handed. I bet it about killed them, though. 😉

This morning the Democrats and the media, left, right and center, are tripping over each other in a contest to see who can bash the panic button the hardest. I wonder how all those people who voted for Biden because mean tweets feel this morning about that choice. And I wonder if the two Biden yard signs I’ve seen around town are still up.

More seriously, I don’t see how it could be any more obvious that a discussion centering on the 25th Amendment needs to happen and very soon. The Leader of the Free World has crapped his pants and needs to be changed.

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