How I Spent My Summer Vacation

As I mentioned a (long) while back, I was going to be at the Southeast Old Threshers Reunion, an annual event held in the thriving metropolis of Denton, NC. I believe I even said something about pictures.

This is a representative selection of the many old farm-related and just plain old vehicles that were on display. I’ve driven the Case traction engine (lower row, far right) when I was doing my training on steam boilers. Steam boilers like this one.

This is a 50 HP vertical steam boiler, used to supply steam to a number of stationary steam engines on exhibit, like this little item in the video below. That was the electrical generator for a local orphanage. We have it and its original electrical panel on display. At one time it provided the electricity for the building that houses it, but that was back when we had a bigger boiler. This was the first time it’s been run in years, and it was good to see that with a little lubrication and some adjustments, it was still raring to go. “They don’t build them like they used to” comes to mind.

Somewhere, an OSHA inspector is having a seizure.

Even though we had some hot and humid weather (lower 90s and humidity in the 60-7-% range), there was a good turnout for both exhibitors and visitors. I heard they had to turn away tractors coming in at the last minute for exhibition. I know that all of the several hundred campsites were taken, and more than a few folks were rough camping in tents or dry camping in their RVs. We could have used a few less idiots on golf carts, but as far as I know, no one was hit this year, so there’s that.

My buying was limited this time around. I’m trying to get rid of stuff, not accumulate more stuff. However, a handful of sockets, a small metalworking hammer, some wire brushes and a couple of pieces of art did follow me home. Mrs. Freeholder approved the art, so it will go into rotation here at home.

More next year.

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