It’s been stupidly busy. We’ve had a week of “Chamber of Commerce weather”, and I’ve been doing my best to take advantage of it. Throw in a couple of migraines and babies who are cranky from growth spurts and vaccinations (yeah, that was some great timing) and here I am 30 minutes after I like to have called it a day.
The upside is that I’ve accomplished a fair bit. There is much more to be done, but I’m paddling as fast as I can. I am working on something of an essay, but I need at least a half-day to get it ready, and half-days are scarce. But it will get done, as I think it’s something important.
In the meantime, enjoy the azeala pic. Those are in my front yard. They were planted something like 12 years ago, and they’ve never put on a show like this year. They have that in common with everything that flowers. Everyone on the street’s homes have looked like something more or less fit for a magazine.
And as a bonus, this popped up in my YouTube recommendations last night. Very interesting.
I always wondered if the Lifestraw worked as advertised. The video looks like the straw does a great job, assuming the video is accurate. Thanks for posting that.
Southern NH
Our “trick” for vaccinating young-uns was to bring popsicles in a cooler. Put the wrapped popsicle where the shot will be given. Then unwrap and hand to the kid just before the doc does-the-deed. The kid is usually pretty interested in the popsicle and doesn’t hyperfocus on the needle.
Tylenol is your buddy afterward.