Home2022November5Equity, coming soon to a country near you? Equity, coming soon to a country near you? November 5, 2022November 6, 2022 The communist Castro regime in Cuba aired a new set of propaganda pieces through its media apparatus this week claiming Cuban citizens are “content” with daily power blackouts and offering tips to make the most out of the three hours of electricity that they receive per day. Yeah, let that sink in for a few seconds. Three. Hours. Per. Day. Would you be content with that?
It’s that time again It’s time to raise your level of awareness. No, you can’t live in Condition Orange all the time, but if…
Questions and Answers In answer to Fido’s implied question… One could argue with the above graphic. For example, Item 2, “Symbolization: People are…
The International Sign for “Help Me” (Found on Gab, that notorious den of racists, misogynists and haters) I had never heard about this, but apparently it’s…