Reports from the OP, December 2, 2021

We’ve had another outbreak of unseasonably warm and dry weather, and as a result if I haven’t had to run errands, I’m working. It seems there is no end of things to be done before cold weather. Fortunately, cold weather seems to be giving me a break. I’ll take it.

Let’s talk fuel prices. I’m glad I lock my propane cost on a yearly basis. Propane is starting to move upward. Gas, on the other hand, has nudged down a bit, seeming to settle in the $3.05-3.10/gallon range. Firewood has become A) crappy, B) expensive and C) both. My most recent scan of the ads did not show me any that I’d have been happy to buy at the price offered.

Shelves in stores – any store, any type of store – are getting thinner. You need a Christmas tree, lights, decorations? Thin supply. Stuff from the big box home improvement place? Thin supply and expensive. Groceries? Thin, getting more expensive by the day and brands you have never heard of. Plus stores are instituting limits on various items, the list of which changes between visits. None of this is dire or even drastic, but the trend line is starting to be disturbing.

After some thought, I decided to buy folding solar panels, one set for each of my “solar generators”. I hate that term; they’re just big honkin’ batteries you can recharge with solar panels, along with a wall wart and a generator. I picked up a 160 watt fo charge the 500 watt unit and a 300 watt to charge the 1500 watt unit. That latter is small, but no one makes a 500 watt folding panel set. If it all works as advertised, I may get another 300 watt if I can figure out how to make the interface and if the big unit can take that much power. Neither has quite the correct cable to charge their respective units, but I can make cables. Mrs. Freeholder has been told the semi-fiction that they are so I can run my radios on solar next Field Day. Judging from the side eye I don’t think she’s buying the BS. No matter, I’m paying for them out of my money.

Driving around, I noted a house for sale that Son might be interested in. I sent it to him and we’ll see what he does. He seems to have this notion that, a month before his lease is up, he can just jump out there, find a house, make the purchase and get moved. I don’t think that cunning plan is going to work out for him any better this year than it did last year.

The house is a small, unprepossessing brick structure of just over 1000 sq. ft. on 1/3 acre. It’s priced at, for this market segment, an eye-watering $170/ sq. ft. I checked Redfin for the local numbers, and houses are selling in this area for “only” $140/ sq. ft. and they’re lasting 10 days on average. Great bleeding Ghu.

Speaking of housing, I have seen what appears to be someone living in a pop-up camper. While it’s better than a cardboard box under a bridge, it’s going to really suck when the temps drop to real winter. Even here under freezing is normal at night. I don’t find these things comforting at all.

I also noted the sudden absence of the seasonally ubiquitous Salvation Army red kettles. From the few folks I’ve talked with, it seems reaction to the SA’s trip to Wokeville was sudden and harsh. Unlike some, I haven’t totally cut them off. I dropped of a trunk load of old clothes Tuesday. But I also took all the money I would have donated to them this quarter and sent an extra big check to the local humane society.

Our local Republican Party, which has been trying to get people to volunteer to ring bells, sent out an email in which the party

condemns the racist and discriminatory statements made by the International Social Justice Commission and will continue to fight against the tenets of the Left, Liberalism, Democrats and the Woke Mob, and we hope you will fight alongside us; however, do not let those we are fighting drive another wedge between the communities within (our) County. If you feel that you cannot contribute to this food and toy drive, we certainly respect your decision.

Well, they’d better, because I’m not changing my decision. I don’t care what the Salvation Army takes off it’s website, or that the party pleads

• First, this document was produced by the International Social Justice Commission of the Salvation Army which is NOT affiliated with any local chapter of this organization. In fact, this organization is based in New York City.
• Second, our local chapter of the Salvation Army has NOT endorsed any of the contents within this document nor have they endorsed the actions or ideologies of the ISJC.
• Lastly, and most importantly, we encourage you to not let the actions of a few woke lobbyists and corporate hacks sour your opinion of an organization that we have worked closely with for many years. The administration, volunteers and others that have established our local chapter of the Salvation Army and worked arduously to help those less fortunate in (our) County need your support to meet the needs of our community.

Mostly because I note none of the local SA groups have distanced themselves from it, either.


The Christmas decorating is done outside and nearing completion inside. All presents purchased and accounted for except for 2 that we have yet to buy, but those are easy. Yay, gift cards!

On another unfortunate down note, I found the dishwasher leaking because of the dripping into our garage. Fortunately this has been caught quickly. I have parts on order. Honestly, I was rather surprised to find them, since the unit is over 5 years old. For the meantime, we’re back to acoustically washing dishes. If the parts fail to fix the problem and no other inexpensive part(s) present themselves for replacement, then it will be a new and far less expensive dishwasher to replace it. I’m tired of buying top-of-the-line appliances that don’t hold up as long as the cheap stuff.

That’s probably enough for now. Out here.

One thought on “Reports from the OP, December 2, 2021

  1. Good update content. I haven’t noticed empty shelves when I was out, though that was a couple three weeks ago. Things might have changed. Housing prices around here have been astronomical, but we have no plans to move so it doesn’t affect us. Cord wood prices seem to be up, gas prices holding steady at 3.20 to 3.50.
    Our appliances are all well over 10 years old, and no failure. The wash machine sounds awful, but still has not quit. We picked up a free washer on Craigslist, in case this one finally gives up. I don’t use a dryer, I hang outside or in the basement.
    Harbor Freight used to have solar panels, which work for us.
    We donate to collections our church has for local charities. They have a good track record for helping and not keeping money for themselves.

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