We’re standing on the precipice

To some extent, I’m going to echo other bloggers, such as Bayou Renaissance Man, who is echoing yet other bloggers. Things are bad. *President Joe Biden and those who pull his strings have managed, in roughly 7 months, to undo all the good efforts of President Trump’s 4 years. Of course, the ground had been well prepared by the Democrat Party and their will lackies in the media, with a special mention for the uncomfortably large portion of our population who are, to quote the late Rush Limbaugh, “low information voters”, so the job was much simplier than is should have been.

I don’t have any special insight about whether the fall of Afghanistan and the ongoing farce of an “evacuation” are the things that push us from the state of “fragile stability” into the state of “oh shit”. We’ll know soon enough how things are trending.

I’ve said a number of times before that a collapse is a process. That process will move forward at various speeds and will even occasionally move in reverse for a short time. But eventually, the sheer weight of events will get behind it and push, and we will go over the edge. It’s something that’s happened before. Afghanistan is just the latest iteration.

What we’re facing is still unknown. Perhaps it’s the 70s all over again. Perhaps it’s the 30s dressed in 70s clothes. It could be 1941. Perhaps it’s 1861. Maybe it’s 1776. Maybe it’s 1066. Probably it won’t be anything like any of those, but it incorporates bits and pieces of all of them. Honestly, that would be my bet.

How far we may fall as a society, or even as a civilization, is also an unknown. A new Dark Age is not off the table. If Elon Musk and SpaceX have their way, neither is escape to another planet. But most of us will be stuck here, in the mud and the blood. Not the retirement I’d hoped for, but at least it will be “interesting”.

I can tell you with certainty one thing-now is not the time to panic. I don’t think there ever is a time to panic, but I know now isn’t the time. Now is the time to ensure that you and yours are in some condition to survive the coming weeks, months and probably years. Backfill holes and get the things you’ve put off if possible. If you can, find some folks near you who think like you do. You’re going to need good friends.

This is a time to think, and think in depth. Think about what you will do in the various situations that may arise in your area. What do you do if the water stops running or the electricity goes away? What about if they come for you to forcibly inject you with a shot you don’t want, don’t trust and refuse to take? What if local order, often called ” the rule of law,” goes sideways, even if it’s just your local area and for a short time.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Time. Is. Short. Very short, I suspect. Do what you can, as fast as you can. Even if I’m wrong, you’ll be ready when the next thing that might end your way of life comes along.

Even Mrs. Freeholder is starting to talk about gardening next spring. I just hope that next spring there is enough normalcy to do it.

5 thoughts on “We’re standing on the precipice

  1. Sir, it is not too late for Mrs Freeholder to start a garden this fall.

    Radishes, Chinese Cabbage, turnips, leaf lettuce and scores of other vegetables prefer to be planted in the late-summer, early-fall. It is in their biology.

    Even a short row of something is to be moving forward.

  2. Eaton Rapids Joe is correct. In your area, late crops are possible. Dwarf Snow peas grow in about 8 weeks around here, you just to plant a lot of them. There are probably short season beans too. Ask your neighbors or farm stores what you can grow.

  3. Oh bother… just *need *to plant a lot of them.
    And if you buy heirloom seeds, save some of the peas for next season’s crop.

  4. It seems Mrs. Freeholder agrees with you. She’s found a used 8’x3’x2′ livestock tank for sale. We’re going to get that and try a cross between container gardening and square foot gardening. 55 days until date of first frost. We’ll see how this goes.

  5. In our area, the first frost is often later than expected, so go ahead and try planting some things. If you do expect a frost, just cover the plants with old sheets or similar, to protect them.

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