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They aren’t all in this picture, but I counted 17 turkeys. |
For those that don’t recognize it, that’s Psalm 118:24.
For me, on the first full day in New America, it’s something to wrap my arms around and hang onto. They may have stolen the election and they may sit in the seats of power. They’ve already began reversing 4 years of progress. They’ll do damage on a scale the we can’t yet know.
Future generations will curse their names, if they are remembered at all.
They may screw up my life beyond measure. But you know, they can’t screw up my days.
This morning, for the second time this year, our flock of wild turkeys is back. Even here is our slightly-less-than-suburban setting, we have turkey, deer, foxes, racoons, skunks, possums and all manner of critters. They are all continuing along just like nothing has changed. I envy them that lack of knowledge.
My Dad loved to turkey hunt nearly as much as he loved fishing for trout. If he was still with us, he’d be 97 now, and he would be thrilled to see a flock of turkeys just across my back yard. I figure he’d also be mounting his pretend shotgun, draw a pretend bead and pretend to take one for the table. The man loved to hunt and fish. I miss doing that with him.
I did not watch the inauguration of the Thief in Chief. I did read a few stories from a fawning press. Gack. Not doing any more of that.
Today, the weather is going to be warm for this time of year. I plan of bucking firewood and working on my new and hopefully improved ham radio setup. I don’t plan on paying much attention to the goings on in Washington. Nothing I can do about them and anger is a non-productive emotion.
Instead, I’m going to rejoice and be glad in this day-this one, right here where I am. This day has been given to me as a gift. I plan on making something good of it.
I think one of the secrets of surviving in New America is going to be developing an ability to ignore the larger picture. Not totally; you need to be aware of what’s going on. But just note it and move on. Concentrate your focus down to “local”. That’s where you’re going to be able to make a difference. Narrow that circle of family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances. See clearly the things that are close to you. Do what you can to make your life, the lives of those who matter to you and the place that you live, better. Help people build a resiliency in their lives that will see them through the hard times to come.
Look at seed catalogs and consider a bit of gardening this year. Get your to-do list for warmer weather ready. Keep talking to those friends, neighbors and acquaintances and work on improving your community. These are just a few of the things we’re going to need in the hard times ahead.
Someone in the neighborhood is currently banging away with a gun. Not sure what they’re doing, but it sounds like rapid-fire target practice. I need to do some of that myself.
Rejoice in the day the Lord has made. Don’t let the other side drag you down into despair.
I'm taking that advice out here in these Buckeye hills . Gonna' poke some holes in a couple of old well pressure tanks out in the valley field tomorrow . From about 2000 meters . Got the old scope dialed in and my ammo supply is plentiful . Shalom my brother !