Home2020December20Sunday Reading Sunday Reading December 20, 2020February 15, 2021 Would you be uninterested if I told you my reading for the week was ham radio manuals? I figured so. Enjoy your Sunday.
Sunday Reading Bat-21 is the story of LTC William C. Anderson, who spent 12 days in the Vietnamese jungle evading the North…
Sunday Reading Reading time is still limited, so I went for “short and pithy” this week. “The Little Red Book of Cowboy…
Sunday Reading Honestly, I haven’t had time for reading books this week. Too busy reading things like this: Attorney Sidney Powell on…
Honestly, the average ham radio manual isn't much better than the average 70s stereo manual in my opinion. Which is why there are a lot of hams making YouTube videos and why the Nifty manuals sell so well. Reply
Uh – good manuals?…
Honestly, the average ham radio manual isn't much better than the average 70s stereo manual in my opinion. Which is why there are a lot of hams making YouTube videos and why the Nifty manuals sell so well.