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An actual peaceful protest in small town NC, 2020. I don’t expect this to last much longer. |
Mrs. Freeholder and I have been out and about quite a bit the last two weeks, and this is expected to continue. Being out, I’ve seen and heard a lot of things, and it’s time to catalog some of them yet again.
As a long-time observer of all things around me, I think back over my life and muse on how things have changed. For example, in the 70s no one got their panties in a wad over sculptures commemorating those who served and died in the War Between the States. Now, they not only get them in a wad, but wear them on their faces as well, while protesting history that offends them. I view these people as being deliberately ignorant, both of history and their own ignorance of it. If they get their precious revolution, they won’t stay ignorant long. History shows that those who lead the revolutions don’t want the revolutionaries around long after they have taken power. In 2013, the New York Times even pointed it out.
Now the Times has forgotten that, and enthusiastically supports the revolution. Their funeral.
Our local protestors started out peacefully, but they’ve been constantly pushing their limits for weeks. The local police have allowed it to continue, ignoring their actions while citing and arresting those who are on the streets in opposition to them. Yesterday, there was an organized “Trump Parade”, and apparently things started getting out of hand. The police nearly lost control of the situation and sheriff’s deputies and the NC Highway Patrol had to bail them out. A number of the BLM crowd were arrested on charges of failure to disperse, resisting arrest and communicating threats.
All this is second hand, coming from those who were there. I was not. Right now, I’m still operating under Farnham’s Law. The day is coming when that will not be so.
But on to less drastic things.
In grocery shopping, I continue to see signs of a supply chain in distress. Depending on the particular chain, various items are unavailable. In one store, meat and paper products are in abundance, but peanut butter, baking yeast and cleaning supplies are gone or nearly so. In another, there is no rice and nothing in large sizes (think #10 cans). In a third, you can’t find carbonated drinks or frozen foods. Everywhere, prices are going up.
On Facebook Marketplace, firewood is still cheap, with some even available, bucked but not split, for free if you’ll come haul it off. I know a lot of people don’t heat with wood, but if you have an old, disused wood stove in your home, I would get the chimney cleaned and checked and the stove ready. Store some of this cheap wood off the ground and under some cheap tarps. If the power goes out, either from weather or otherwise, being warm is a good thing.
Also on Facebook Marketplace are cheap CB radios and antennas. Consider one (or two is one, one is none). You don’t even need to have a power source, because your vehicle is all the power source required. Encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same. The ability to stay in touch in a bad situation will be important. You might also look for some cheap used AM/FM/SW radios. They’re there.
Restaurants are doing good business. People are tired of being in enforced confinement, and Obersturmbannfuher Cooper’s edicts or no, they’re going out. I’ve also noticed a lot of boats heading to the nearby lake, and RVs are everywhere you look. We’re hoping to find a campsite for this weekend and get away for a few days, but from the looks of things, we’re late to the party.
Winter clothes are another thing to keep an eye open for. I’m not seeing a lot in stock, and the stores should be lousy with them by now. Remember hats and gloves.
Air traffic is increasing, especially general aviation. Lower fuel prices are probably a driver there, but it’s also a nice way to avoid interacting with people on the public roads. I’m envious of B at In the MIDDLE of the RIGHT and his ability to do so. Migraines are pretty much an absolute bar to getting a pilot’s license. I’ll just keep listening to the local unicomm and dreaming.
Automotive fuel is also dropping in price after the Labor Day holiday. 87 octane is down to $1.84/gallon. Time to cycle the spare gas.
Three people at my daughter’s office now have Wuflu. One is older and a prostate cancer patient, but he’s doing quite well. One is middle age and says she has the worst flu ever. One is in her 30s and is mildly inconvenienced, mostly because her entire family has it. Our daughter has been tested and if she shows up positive, I guess we’ll have to be as well. I’m unconcerned for me; more so for Mrs. Freeholder, who has the dread comorbidities.
So, in the time of Wuflu, civil unrest is spreading to small towns, supplies are uncertain, and the Wuflu is still a thing. Life goes on. Get your stuff together, and avoid crowds holding BLM signs.
Davidson county here. Enjoy your posts.