Out and about again (Life in the time of Wuflu, Part 6)

So, I considered just how much and how often I should venture out. Today is the last day for an indeterminate time. Mrs. Freeholder is now “telecommuting”, which for a fourth grade teacher just sounds goofy. But with her health (asthma) I’m glad she’d finally out of her petri dish of a classroom. Now that she isn’t in much danger of picking up something (assuming she hasn’t already), the I don’t need to add to her chances by being out roaming around.

Except for the trip to the local meat packer, the trip felt nearly normal. Yes, the topic of the day was Wuflu (and it has been the topic all week), but things seemed calmer. Grocery stores didn’t appear to be as packed as I drove by. The mood of those I talked to was good, almost jovial. I guess people are adapting to a “new normal” quickly. I have the suspicion they’d better get good at it.

One silver lining is the price of gas-$1.56 for 87 octane. Compared to the Obama Years, that’s amazing. Pity you can’t get out and do some driving, like to the beach or the mountains, while you can afford it.

Speaking of the meat packer, when I arrived, this was the scene. However, the line wasn’t as bad as you’d think. It took me 15 minutes to get in the door, where there was an off-duty cop letting people in, 5 at a time. Once in, everything was in good supply. The staff was working their nethers off, and seemed genuinely glad folks were coming in. I suspect they have a lot of meat on their hands because of the restaurant closures. At the rate they’re selling, that won’t be a problem for long.

I bought meats for my children, and 10 pounds of boneless chicken boobs just because I’m going to need a lot of chicken to make 20 pounds worth of fried rice. As far as I’m concerned, that’s all white rice is useful for.

I received a call to reschedule my podiatrist appointment. We moved it out 2 weeks. I figure it will be a miracle if I get to keep it on that schedule. I really hope my neurologist doesn’t have to reschedule. The Botox is a big help in warding off the migraines, and I’d hate to get off schedule. Those 33 shots will get me through 3 months, which may be enough that things Wuflu start to taper off.

I’ve gotten refills on all the rest of the migraine drugs, enough to last at least a month, probably two for the rescue meds. I’ve got several months worth of levothyroxine, but only 3 weeks of my gastric meds (necessitated in part by the migraine rescue drugs). Going to call about that tomorrow.

I’m hoping to lessen the Wuflu stuff, both here and IRL. Even though you have to pay attention to it, I can feel the psychic toll it’s taking. You can’t be in Condition Red forever. The adrenal glands exhaust themselves.

I’ve got a number of projects around the house for Mrs. Freeholder and I to amuse ourselves with. Replacing the undercabinet lighting, trimming the roses, digging a trench or two. Things that will work us and allow us to feel that we’re making progress despite all that’s going on. I hope to talk about some of them going forward.

Don’t be surprised if the pace of posting slacks off, or if it doesn’t. I’m going to day by day mode for a while.

One thought on “Out and about again (Life in the time of Wuflu, Part 6)

  1. I don't have anything to add to your post. Just clicked by to read it and pass the time. If you keep blogging, I'll keep stopping by and reading. Stay well!

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