Bearing in mind that this an MSN article, it appears that the GOP is willing bow to the gun grabbers. As they ever have, when the heat is on, they soften and bend like pot metal.
It’s time for us to step up and put some steel in their spines. We can’t count on the NRA to help this time. They’re too occupied with their own internal war (although I firmly expect begging letters in the next couple of days).
I’m hitting up my Representative and both Senators this morning. What are you doing-today-to protect your rights?
This is the message I’m sending:
Subject: Help stiffen the GOP’s spine
I’m reading some very disturbing stories in the media that the GOP is going to roll over on our Constitutionally protected gun rights in the aftermath of recent spree murders.
Being someone who votes on a single issue-the Second Amendment-I’m asking you to help put some steel in the spines of GOP legislators in Washington. I don’t care about “political realities” or any of the rest of the crap they feed us when this has happened before. I care about my rights.
If this passes, I will withhold my vote from every GOP candidate from the least local office to the office of President. Yes, I’ll stay home and let the Democrats win. Why? Because either way my rights will be abridged. It’s just a question if it happens quickly or slowly.
I can’t count on the NRA to help in this fight. As I’m sure they’re aware, they’ve got internal issues that is going to pretty much sideline them. I have to count on my elected representatives in the Congress to do what people like me elected them to do. You’ll get a lot of pressure from the other side, because they smell blood. Don’t give in.
It’s gut-check time for the GOP. If they fail the test, it’s going to be a dark day for our freedom.
(Edit, 8/7/2109, 1143)
This is what I get back from my Congressweasel. I’ve wasted my effort, but I felt like it had to be tried. Is the fix in already?
August {My name and address} Dear {me}, Thank you for the taking the time to write regarding the two shootings that As you may already know, the shooting in El Paso, which left 22 people dead, In your letter, you ask me to take action to prevent shootings like these If you have further questions, please contact my Legislative Aide, Sam Thanks again for writing and take good care. |