Data points…we’ve got data points

(Links from Drudge and elsewhere)

Dammit, politics again.

Democrats encourage violence against supporters of President Trump.

SCOTUS upholds the travel ban that named several majority Muslim countries, the New York Times has a major temper tantrum.

Public sector unions lose the ability to force non-member employees to pay them partial dues, American democracy ends.

SCOTUS Justice Anthony Kennedy announces his retirement, Leftists lose their minds.

Are you seeing a pattern here? For every setback suffered, the Left goes into paroxysms of hate and threatens to take action. Look back to Inauguration Day, and they’ve steadily been getting worse in terms of threats of violence and threats of violence, especially from elected officials.

“We shall protest in DC, we shall demonstrate on the streets and the boulevards, we shall fling poo with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our safe spaces, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the park benches, we shall fight on the concert stages, we shall fight in the parks and in the streets, we shall fight in the restaurants; we shall never surrender…”

Yeah, if we could on snark at them until they gave up and went back to their parents’ basements. Unfortunately, that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. This time, they want a real fight, and this time, our side seems more than willing to oblige them.

Watch for the data points. They’re pointing to something that can’t be defined with certainty just yet. But don’t wait too long to do what you need to do to be ready for the worst.  I’m not a big believer in polls, but I don’t disbelieve in them either. A lot of our fellows are worried. Scared comes after that, and scared people can do stupid things. Stupid things can cause all sorts of unexpected problems.

One thought on “Data points…we’ve got data points

  1. Landlord is putting on a new roof. I tell him this is a good time to add a turret with a spiral stairs in the living room for outstanding sightlines to all road approaches. He thinks I'm kidding… I am not.

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