Yep, been going down this particular rat hole. I haven’t looked into it for a while, because it’s been my opinion that all the really good information has been locked up by various governments and government-supported groups and that the effort was a waste of my time.
Maybe not quite so much these days.
I’ve done a small bit of research into Advanced Fusion Systems, and honestly, there isn’t much. Some of the staff is on LinkedIn. The company was founded in 2008 or 2009 and apparently has around $6.6 million per year in revenues. It appears that they are still in business.
I can say I give Mr. Birnbach, the speaker in the video, props for being as pissed off as I am about this information being locked up. This information should be available to one and all, given the level of importance of the subject.
As far as the quality, I’m hardly a subject matter expert, but I can say that as far as my knowledge of the subject goes, his explanations and graphs match up. As to the claims he makes in terms of the weaknesses of current EMP-proofing technology, I simply don’t know. Ditto for his claims about his company’s tech.
Interesting to watch, though.
The Silicon Graybeard, a retired RF-design guy, has a series of posts on his EMP thoughts.
Summary: your vhf/uhf gear is ok even while hooked up to the antenna. HF, not so much. Cars are good, too. The long, long, high voltage lines spanning the country are toast.