Home2017June22What is it with these Canadian What is it with these Canadian June 22, 2017February 15, 2021 (As found on Gab.) Snipers. 11,319 feet for the record. Plus an unknown number on lives saved by his work.
Justice in America (Via Drudge) Most often, miscarriages of justice in our country are rare and rarely reported. However, in the case of…
Wow, that’s some expensive oil CNBC made a little gaffe this morning. The headline was right, but the text showed the price in British Pounds.…
“I think we need to do something!” So sayeth NC Rep. Fred Steen (R-Rowan)–even ifit’s stupid and runs up the already too high cost of government. There…
My take on the story. Some of it is the tools given to the snipers…