Rethinking hostage rescue

(Via Michael Bane on Facebook)

For those among us who have had reason to be anywhere near those who work in this area, we know that this discussion has been taking place. The nature of hostage taking, at least when it comes to the big, world stage type events, has changed. The bad guys no longer want ransoms or media attention, they want body counts. In many ways, they have become more like our home grown spree killers in the US. Not that this is an improvement.

One of the big improvements in tactical doctrine following the Columbine shooting was a change in thinking from “Secure the perimeter and wait for sufficient backup” to “Get in there and take down the shooter/shooters”. Even though this puts responding officers at increased risk, it lessens the amount of time the shooter has to carry out his work.

Hostage Rescue In The Age Of ISIS from the Havok Journal (yes, another link to add to the blogroll) takes an in-depth look at this subject from the eyes of a professional in the field. While I think it’s aimed at the pros, it’s something that anyone who is interested in armed self defense should consider. While an individual’s chance of being swept up in one of these events is small, it isn’t zero, and you would be well advised to know what to expect if it happens.

Myself, I see it this way.

 If you have the utter misfortune to get caught up in one of these events as a hostage, in all likelihood you are going to die. Accept the fact and own that bitch. Just be sure you take somebody with you.

Of course, I’ve lived most of my life now, and as such it’s a little easier to say that. If you’re in you’re 20s or 30s and pissing yourself, trapped with a madman in the restroom of a nightclub, it’s harder. But if there are enough of you, attack. Yes, some will die. The rest will disarm the bastard and stomp him into a greasy mess on the floor.

Let ISIS make political hay out of that.

One thought on “Rethinking hostage rescue

  1. There are a number of valuable reasons why active resistance may undermine a terrorist attack.

    > While you're resisting, the terrorists have to deal with you instead of carrying out their plan. (Downside: they will kill you first.)

    > Upsetting their schedule, their game plan, extends the amount of time that First Responders have to get in place, evaluate the situation, coordinate resistance and effect a counter attack. (Downside: they will kill you first.)

    > When hostages don't respond meekly, it's possible that you might lower the threat by injuring or killing one of the terrorists … making it more likely that the number of hostages who die will be minimized (especially if the terrorists decide they want to 'negotiate' exchange of hostages for a clean exit..
    Downside; you will not be one of the hostages which are exchanged.

    ON THE OTHER HAND: You're already going to die. Might as well make the last few minutes of your life mean something.

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