Home2016October10Guns, the Second Amendment and what you should hear from Clinton and Trump Guns, the Second Amendment and what you should hear from Clinton and Trump October 10, 2016February 15, 2021 What John Lott has to say on the subject.
How about some good news for a change? (Via Wired) How about a plane full of passengers who were likely saved from a mid-ocean water landing by an…
Marko has the right idea Rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades are inherently democratic weapons. …A simple weapon–so long as there is no answer to it–gives…
Demonstrating a decided lack of Christmas spirit (From The Email List That Shall Not Be Named) I feel so sorry for the poor and starvin’ of Macon,…
Didn't work in Chrome. But I found the link that works: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/10/09/guns-second-amendment-and-what-should-hear-from-clinton-and-trump.htm.html Reply
Sorry, been mostly offline a couple of days. Changed the link. I don't know what's up with Chrome lately, but it's been acting strange. If they don't straighten it out, I'm going to have to give Firefox a try and see if it's been improved. Reply
"access denied"
Yer link be broke
Try it now. Worked in Chrome, but not IE for some odd reason. I've got it working in both now.
Didn't work in Chrome.
But I found the link that works:
Sorry, been mostly offline a couple of days. Changed the link. I don't know what's up with Chrome lately, but it's been acting strange. If they don't straighten it out, I'm going to have to give Firefox a try and see if it's been improved.