Thinking ahead
Looking for something else, I ran across these on Amazon. Cheap enough, and it couldn’t hurt to have a few handy against need. National Mfg.…
Looking for something else, I ran across these on Amazon. Cheap enough, and it couldn’t hurt to have a few handy against need. National Mfg.…
(Via Ars Technica) Because they apparently can’t tell a hyperbole from a true threat. At least Popehat says so. I’m just waiting for the lights…
The Commandant of the NC Highway Patrol has apparently been ordered to boost state revenue. This time, it’s going to be at the expense of…
I wan’t going to post anything this year. It wound up being a shitty week, and besides, I figure that it’s all been said before.…
In one simple article, John Mauldin and Stephen Moore make more economic sense than every Presidential candidate in my lifetime. Sorry, I don’t think either…