If you’re interested in the hard core of Second Amendment advocacy, then you keep up the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Founded by the late Aaron Zelman, this is a group that could make Gunowners of America look wishy-washy.
In between everything else going on in my life, I’ve been trying to keep up with what at first seemed to be a BS little story that the Second Amendment Foundation was going to, for lack of any better term, “buy” JFPO. I have to admit I pretty much blew it off as someone’s fevered imagination having a particularly bad night.
Turns out that I was wrong, and that this is really happening. While I don’t have as negative a view of SAF (or the NRA) as some folks, I am quite aware that they are not uncompromising in their positions. Both have been, at times, a bit too ready to play politics with our inalienable rights. Having been around for a while, I know that it’s something that tends to come and go, right now more on the “come” at SAF and “go” at the NRA. I also know that having groups like JPFO around helps keep them honest when the chips are down.
Claire Wolf, long a friend of JPFO, has probably the best information on her blog. Right now, it seems that there is a group, perhaps a sizable group, that is trying to keep JPFO moving along the path its founder set for it. I have to wish them well.
This is something to keep up with. Seriously.