You ought to learn something new every day
(Via Survival Blog) Today’s fun bit o’ knowledge: The Dozier Drill.
(Via Survival Blog) Today’s fun bit o’ knowledge: The Dozier Drill.
And a dried up old one at that. Say hello to the rest of them in hell.
At the risk of being called a cop basher, let’s take a look at something that happened recently in the local area. Local sheriff deputies…
It seems that a company “with roots in the Special Forces community” has decided that pistol sights aren’t hard enough to use and has come…
(Found on Facebook) If you have a 512 or a 522 EOtech, by summer you’re going to be able to add a laser to it…
(Via Say Uncle) That Joshua says there may be some gun registry-ing in our future. It seems that language that has been routinely included in…
(Via Frugal Squirrels) A sordid tale of a small successful company that is bought by a big successful company. Personal experience tells me this goes…
(Via the Drudge Report) Over the years, I can’t tell you how many times on this or that Intertubz fora, while discussing some government excess, that I…
(Via SurvivalBlog) L. Neil Smith pole axes leftists, progressives, communists, socialists and their ilk. Not as if they don’t deserve it.
For a piddly ten grand, you to can be Mr. Bad Ass Sniper Guy–at least out to 500 yards. This technology turns even a neophyte…
It isn’t like we haven’t been saying this for years, but perhaps this time someone will listen: Gun Control Laws Do Not Reduce Violent Crime…
Time for more economic bad news. So you are one of those hopelessly boring folks who “did it right”. You didn’t buy more house than…
Grass Roots North Carolina is announcing that Cherokee County, NC has revoked a law that kept citizens and county employees from exercising their right to…
As good as their word, Magpul Industries is bailing out of Colorado for Texas and Wyoming. Colorado is going to take an $85 million dollar…