Time to get started
I don’t need to give you the links to all the stories about this and that proposed law that wants to steal our freedom. I…
I don’t need to give you the links to all the stories about this and that proposed law that wants to steal our freedom. I…
Because bad guys don’t care about the sanctity of a house of worship. Note that the police suggested security cameras. *facepalm*
Where the impossible is commonplace–well, at least the impossible according to those who would violate our fundamental right to own the best possible tools to…
After all, it’s the Alinski thing to do. This is the safe for work version. The original NSFW is still out there, I think.
It’s the liberals who advocate violence against the law-abiding. I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of…
(Via Irons in the Fire) Someone has said out loud and in public what I’ve heard whispered in private lately. This is a society preparing…
“My God, she sounds like she’s member of the NRA…” I would have lol’ed if it wasn’t so serious.
(First link via the Drudge Report) In the near-gunless paradise of Chicago, at least 9 people were shot in the early hours of the new…
(Via the Drudge Report) Then, in a time when the Federal government borrows $46 out of every $100 it spends, please explain this to me:…