Do you do business with Tactical Arms Manufacturer Inc. in Huntersville, NC?

If you do, you might want to reconsider that.  The owner is channeling none other than Bill Ruger himself.

While he feared a ban on rifles, Rinkor supported calls for a ban on
sales to the public of high-capacity magazines, which may be used on his
AR-15’s or those made by other manufacturers.

“Frankly, I think there’s no need for anybody to have such . . . magazines, 20 or 30 rounds. It makes no sense at all to have that large of a magazine, even for personal protection,” he said.

Read more here:

Really, Mr. Rinkor?  The last I checked, the Second Amendment wasn’t about need–or hunting, or plinking or any of the rest of it.  It was meant to be the reset button on these united States.  As Judge Alex Kozinski put it in Silveira vs. Lockyer:

The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed—where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once. 

Boys and girls, we are in a fight, and it’s going to be a down and dirty one.  People like this are going to be popping up from all over, like toadstools after a rain.  It’s going to be up to all of us to oppose them at every turn, every time we find them.  You aren’t going to be able to mutter “asshat” under your breath and go on about your business.  You’re going to have to be involved in this every day.

You’ll miss some.  I watch the Charlotte Pravda as closely as I can, and I missed this until I saw it mentioned in yet another of their hit pieces.  We’re all going to have to keep at it just as hard as we can until we stuff this thing back in its box were it belongs.

For your convenience, you can reach these folks at Tactical Arms Manufacturer, Inc. on the web or on Facebook.  As you will see on their Facebook page, they backed up in a hurry early on and have now went silent.  That doesn’t mean that we back off, it means we go into pursuit mode.  Everyone needs to fully understand the nature of this fight we’re in–including Mr. Rinkor.  And I think he needs to understand it good and hard.

I am not buying their BS.  Looking at their web site, it appears likely to me that this company jumped into the AR market after His Obamaness’s last “open mouth, insert foot” episode on gun control, I would assume because Mr. Rinkor figured he could make a fast buck.  When the heat came on this time, law-abiding firearms owners can go under the bus, because he’s made his money.  I can’t prove any of this, but it just smells that way.

Companies like this don’t deserve our business or our support.  We should not only deprive them of both, but publicize their actions against us.  There are too many good manufacturers out there who support gun owners, not only by making the products we buy but by sponsoring events and teams and donating to groups like the NRA, to need companies like this.

Mr. Rinkor, your NRA recruiter badge and NRA-ILA banners don’t sway me.  You’re just another in a long line of people who thought they could make a buck off of gun owners and then go on to the next market.  Not happening.

One thought on “Do you do business with Tactical Arms Manufacturer Inc. in Huntersville, NC?

  1. I and several friends have dealt with Ken Rinkor and Tactical Arms. We found them when our small store had problems getting AR’s for customers last year. We were going to buy several hundred rifles. After multiple excuses and lies, we were finally shipped several rifles. They were nothing short of junk. The magazines fell out when the bolt was pulled back on every single gun. We shipped them back and received several unprofessional emails from Mr. Rinkor. Then he charged us to fix the guns. They still are not right. Mr. Rinkor seems to have subcontracted out his lowers and his building the guns from kits, claiming he manufactures the entire gun. There is nothing wrong with that if you don’t misrepresent yourself and if you know what you are doing. He certainly does not know what he is doing. I do believe he was out to make a quick buck by selling poorly made guns when people were panic buying. Don’t spend a dime on his guns, you will be sorry. Everyone that has bought one of the guns from us has had problems and Rinkor tries to charge them to fix whatever is broken. We are trying to help out our customers by getting them new lowers and rebuilding the guns with quality parts. We are doing this below our cost. Save yourself the trouble, there are a lot of decent guns out there.

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