Home2012November28Shrug Shrug November 28, 2012February 13, 2021 (Via the Drudge Report) In the 2009-10 tax year, more than 16,000 people declared an annual income of more than £1 million to HM Revenue and Customs. This number fell to just 6,000 after Gordon Brown introduced the new 50p top rate of income tax shortly before the last general election. I can’t amplify that very simple statement.
Let me toss something out there to scare you out of your wits Please step over to Tam’s site and look at this post. Feel free to read it if you want, but…
Pain As a migraine sufferer, pain is a subject near if not dear to my heart. (Sidebar–migraine attacks are far from…
More on the goings on in Austin, TX Ye Old Furt keeps us up to date on the shenanigans in Austin with the Austin PD and ATF. If…