(Via the Drudge Report) They’re here and they’ll get worse, spreading from one class of items to another, until everything…
One thought on “I’m a terrorist, he’s a terrorist, wouldn’t you like to be a terrorist too?”
Ye gods, indeed… but of course we can't profile:
"It is important to remember that just because someone’s speech,
actions, beliefs, appearance, or way of life is different; it does not
mean that he or she is suspicious."
I looked at a couple that related to my work field, and a family members lifestyle… of course we hit enough 'positives' to indicate we MIGHT be a terrorist. I can't believe the horrible fiction written by Orwell and Rand before I was born is becoming commonplace before my very eyes. Stop worrying about retirement, baby boomers, start worrying about spending your golden years in an concentration camp.
Ye gods, indeed… but of course we can't profile:
"It is important to remember that just because someone’s speech,
actions, beliefs, appearance, or way of life is different; it does not
mean that he or she is suspicious."
I looked at a couple that related to my work field, and a family members lifestyle… of course we hit enough 'positives' to indicate we MIGHT be a terrorist. I can't believe the horrible fiction written by Orwell and Rand before I was born is becoming commonplace before my very eyes. Stop worrying about retirement, baby boomers, start worrying about spending your golden years in an concentration camp.