Another one gone
I read that we’re losing over 5,000 veterans of World War II per day. And it sucks every damn time. Rest easy, soldier.
I read that we’re losing over 5,000 veterans of World War II per day. And it sucks every damn time. Rest easy, soldier.
Cutting the Pentagon budget to meet a “nutty formula” produced by Congress to reduce the deficit is not just “goofy,” it will decimate the Defense…
But honestly hadn’t paid much attention to the firing of Judge Andrew Napolitano from Fox News. I should have. Whew! No wonder the guy got…
(Via The Mailing List That Shall Not Be Named) No, the Federal government isn’t in danger of immanent collapse as far as we know. But,…
(Via the Drudge Report) Maybe it’s just me, but I think a decent case can be made for it.
(Via Timebomb 2000) There is an old saying that “History repeats itself,” to which many reply (and correctly, for the most part) “No, it doesn’t,…
The Princess of Snark sums up why the crisis in the Eurozone ain’t fixed, even though our favorite financial market cheerleaders are all wet and…
(Via the NRA on Facebook) Arrested for self-defense, a man spends 112 days in jail, loses his job and most of his possessions, and is…
(Via Karen De Coster) A collection of 25 FBI posters on how to recognize terrorists at the local electronics store, beauty supply place or tatoo…
Another choir boy suffers a catastrophic failure in the victim selection process. But dude, don’t count on the bad guy to bring you the necessary…
(Via the Drudge Report) Earlier this week I told you about a young girl whose home-packed lunch was deemed lacking in nutrition in a NC…
(Via the Drudge Report) Our Canadian gunnie brothers and sisters have won a big one–the long gun registry is a step closer to becoming history.…
After taking money from the anti-gun Joyce Foundation, Media Matters founder David Brock decides that having his own personal armed guard is a Good Thing.…
A Hoke County preschooler was fed chicken nuggets for lunch because a state worker felt that her homemade lunch did not have enough nutritional value,…
As kid, I remember that North Carolina was known as “The Good Roads State”, because our road system was so comprehensive and well-maintained. For whatever…
(Via the Drudge Report) The U.S. Justice Department called Switzerland’s largest private bank a fugitive from justice on Friday after it didn’t send any representatives…
The Friendly FedEx Man dropped off my copy of Armageddon Medicine–594 pages of medical goodness. I haven’t looked through it yet, except for a quick…
The military isasking chaplains not to read the letter from Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio that has stirred up such a little ruckus recently. The reasoning?…
While I have much respect for “Where There is No Doctor” and “Where There is No Dentist”, I’ve never felt that the medical section of…
Missing scientists mystery deepens in frozen Antarctica
(Via the Drudge Report) A two year FBI investigation ends at the wrong door. Doors. Whatever. The good news? It only took them 35 minutes…