Don’t bet on this lasting for long
The House failed to extend three key expiring provisions of the Patriot Act on Tuesday, elements granting the government broad and nearly unchecked surveillance power…
The House failed to extend three key expiring provisions of the Patriot Act on Tuesday, elements granting the government broad and nearly unchecked surveillance power…
Oddest search term I can recall ever showing up in the stats: “tommy haddock” bojangles god I got nothing here….
I wish I could remember where, but someone on my blog roll recently started a discussion on Kimber pistols and their reliability–or lack thereof. I…
(I was going to leave this a comment, but I decided to pull it up here for everyone to see.) Bill notes the following in…
At least not without the appropriate licenses and permits. David N. Cox says he was merely exercising his right to petition the government, but a…
The 2012 Democrat National Convention is coming to Charlotte, NC. That quote in the title is from someone who lived near the 2004 convention. It…
(Via The Gunbloggers and Say Uncle) The Tennessee chapter of the ACLU has been labeled a terrorist organization. Predictably, they are the victims of a…
(Via Timebomb 2000) SHTFPlan has an excellent post on “10 Things We Can Learn From Egypt…” and the current situation there. I want to go…
For those of you who are interested in World War II, I just found a place where you can download the various posters used by…
Dear podcasters of the world: Not everyone owns a freaking iPod, thus, not everyone used iTunes. If you only make your work available via iTunes,…
In the prepping circles, there has been some discussion of just how people could earn a living after some event that renders out modern civilization…
(Via the Drudge Report) A conservative PAC discovers that Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown is a RINO *gasp* and they want their money back so they…
Because when you ex-boyfriend shows up to rob the place, you need to be able to defend yourself.
Fellow gunnies, here is how the anti-freedom forces, enabled by our old friends from BATFE, are going to try and get our guns this time–shotguns…
Senator Moron Moran thinks we don’t like Obama because he’s a hyphenated-American. What so hard about believing that it’s his politics rather than his skin?…
That, given her background as a pregnant teenager and too-young mom, Bristol Palin might be a better spokeswoman for abstinence than someone who has not…
Back in the day (ahem) I was one of those Jeff Foxworthy types–“We may be starvin’ but we got tunes!” I had a 7′ tall…
Not quite, but as Mark Twain once remarked “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” Please also note the Southern Poverty Pimp Center’s remarks…
Any state that wants to havean official gun. Bonus points for it being John Moses Browning’s bestest pistol.
(Via the Drudge Report) For the record, no, I didn’t actually watch it. I decided that the highlight reels and transcript would be as much…
Well, since the Obama-noids have been thoroughly disappointed in “Hope-N-Change”, maybe it’s time for another group to begin the cycle. A tea party candidate who…
Common sense has apparently been outlawed, along with guns, knives, fox hunting, unclean thoughts and decent health care.
The AK-47 isn’t my favorite gun (mostly because the ergonomics are awkward for me), but this sounds like one of the nuttiest things to come…
Having been out of the loop for a while, I missed this story, except for noting that “some blogger had gotten The Authoritias’ panties in…
If they can’t win elections and they can’t get the Supreme Court to go their way, they’ll complain to the Justice Department. Please donate to…
(Via the Drudge Report) Sell you municipal bonds now. If you’re a state of local government employee, start looking for a new job. If you’re…
(Found on Timebomb 2000) “This February, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address are scheduled on the same day. It’s an ironic…
Don’t even allow your employees to set foot in South Carolina if you plan on making a buck selling something there, lest you be liable…
Be careful, because they must be nitroglycerin. And the money quote from the F Troopie In Charge of Spinning the Narrative: ATF’s Gabe Mamock said…