Home2011November5That we breed such men as these That we breed such men as these November 5, 2011February 13, 2021 One man on Iwo Jima: Yet for four hours on Feb. 23 of that year, his courage went beyond ordinary valor: He strapped on a 70-pound flamethrower and took out seven fortified pillboxes – loaded with Japanese troops – so that stalled Marines could advance across the island. And remember, after that performance he fought on to the end of the battle.
Politicians banned from DC! (Via the Drudge Report) “Prostitution Free Zone” During Inauguration Oh wait…my bad. They’re talking about hookers….
OK… (Via Heartless Libertarian) I wouldn’t have expected this–I would have figured Farnham’s Freehold. You belong in Starship Troopers. Your idea…
Old school stealth (Via GreatDismal on Twitter) Top stealth-plane experts have re-created a radical, nearly forgotten Nazi aircraft: the Horten 2-29, a retro-futuristic…
He was in my father in law's regiment. I would like to meet him.