Month: August 2011
Fading into the mist
(Via Timebomb 2000) Another member of the Greatest Generation has passed beyond our sight–Albert Brown, the oldest survivor of the infamous Bataan Death March, has…
Meanwhile, over at Joe Huffman’s place
Lyle’s sonnails it at the tender age of 17. Short, sweet and to the point. You really should go check it out.
Strike tactics
The Whited Sepulchre has an interesting post on the picketing tactics of the striking Verizon workers. All of this is of more than passing interest…
You have to love the Intertubz
(Via Timebomb 2000) Even though it can bring vast piles of excrement to our desktops, it also brings gems, likeJames Burke’s “Connections” series.
“I think we need to do something!”
So sayeth NC Rep. Fred Steen (R-Rowan)–even ifit’s stupid and runs up the already too high cost of government. There area already laws on the…
Nice to know
That I’m not the only one seeing it this way…John Walker reviews Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”.
“Atlas Shrugged” was a warning, not a manual: If wishes were horses
Savvy traders have noticed that the valuations of European financial institutions are, shall we say…questionable at this point in time. Being savvy and in the…
There is this place where Great Britain used to be
And it’s peopled by looters. Property owners and other law-abiding citizens have been banned from using the most effective possible tools of defense, so they’ve…
Somebody hand me the clue-by-4
Tea Party members are primarily “freaked out white men” who pose the greatest political threat to Democrats in 2012, according to banking analyst Meredith Whitney.…
I wonder if the engagement is off?
(Via the Drudge Report) As Chandler residents Joshua Seto, 27, and his fiancée, Cara Christopher, walked over to a Fry’s Food Store for refreshments, he…
“Atlas Shrugged” was a warning, not a manual: The best government money can buy
(Sorry about the twofer, but it’s just a good day for this sort of thing, it seems.) Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue got a substantial influx…
“Atlas Shrugged” was a warning, not a manual: Only for thee, not for me
When the government makes statements that “calm the markets”, it’s a wonderful thing. If you or I do it, it’s called market manipulation, and we…
How’s all the Hope and Change working for you? Stocks took a sharp nosedive in another choppy day Monday to finish at session lows as…
I wonder
(Via Big Hollywood) Every time I see this sort of story, I wonder if it is the convenience of streaming or the incredibly poor movies…
“Atlas Shrugged” was a Warning, not a Manual: You’re not going to take our loot!
45,000 Verizon employees, who for years have been paid middle class or better wages for what is essentially skilled labor, are pissed that the company…
Lovin’ it
Against their superiors orders, they support Obama and then they’re *gasp* surprised that he does exactly what he told them he would do. Morons.
Pot, kettle, black
Republicans Want Geithner to Walk The Plank After Credit Downgrade Seems to me all of our elected officials ought to do that, even ones who…
“Atlas Shrugged” was a Warning, not a Manual: Brother, can you spare a loan?
(Via the Drudge Report) Missing $420,000, a small town in Oregon is seeking loans from its citizens if the banks won’t accommodate them. “Gee, we…
I told you earlier
Any rating agency that even considered downgrading US debt would come under pressure. Good on S&P for taking a stand. Now, we should expect The…
Well, we knew that was coming
S&P downgrades the US to AA+. Nothing more to say, really. It speaks for itself.
“…an isolated event…”
(Via the Drudge Report) AGAIN. Kelly Thomas, diagnosed as schizophrenic, is beaten to death by police while multiple videos are captured of the event. The…
And speaking of Congresscreatures who need to be unelected
Tea party-backed candidates split on the debt ceiling vote 76-34 according to a Washington Post tally. U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers, a Republican representing the 2nd…
“Atlas Shrugged” was a warning, not a manual: I’m a politician–how dare you speak of me!
In a case that could test the bounds of free speech, a former Democratic congressman has been allowed to proceed with his lawsuit against a…
Rule 1 Violation
No, not Rule 1 of Col. Cooper’s Four Rules, but Rule 1 of Gunfighting. Bring a gun.
It appears that the markets are signalling their thoughts on the debt ceiling
Dow Skids Below 12,000. When even Wall Street gets it, you have to wonder how the political class could fail to get it.
Bend over, America
Because here it comes again. The Senate voted Tuesday to approve a bipartisan deal raising the debt ceiling, effectively putting an end for now to…
I’ve been trolling through the press and the blogs while I eat lunch; reaction to the alleged deficit reduction deal is mixed, to put it…
Not too high on the budget “deal”
Some other folks also think it is made up of equal parts of smoke and mirrors. Watch the markets today. CNBC and others expect a…
They get a deal
And the country gets screwed. Mark my words, this does not fix our fiscal issues–it just kicks that can down the road a bit further.