Home2011August23“Atlas Shrugged” was a warning, not a manual: The law is whatever we say it is…today. “Atlas Shrugged” was a warning, not a manual: The law is whatever we say it is…today. August 23, 2011February 15, 2021 (Via SurvivalBlog) The headline says it all: Long Beach Police Chief: we detain photographers, and I don’t have any guidelines for that policy, photography is classed with attempts to acquire weaponized smallpox Teh Stoopid…it burnz!
“Things Will Unravel Faster Than You Think” (Via Refuge) …far too many people expect events to unfold in a more or less orderly manner, with plenty of…
Noonan on Palin (Via Kim du Toit) In today’s Opinion Journal, Peggy Noonan spends some time considering the subject of Sarah Palin. Go…
Cumbersome but useful (Via Say Uncle) How to check the availability of ammo at Walmart online, even if the Walmartians don’t want you…