Home2011July30Those evil capitalists Those evil capitalists July 30, 2011February 13, 2021 They simply refuse to accommodate Glorious Leader’s plans… “We were following the script from 2008. When the market collapsed after TARP failed, that spooked everyone enough to get them to fall in line. We thought the same thing would happen this week,” he said. Why can’t they all admit that Obama knows best?
Cool Factor: 7.8 Xavier points us toward a M1 Carbine-esque conversion for the Ruger 10/22. Interesting.
Moonbattery at full throttle Democrats have controlled Congress for 2 weeks now, so I think it’s time to review their performance, making snarky comments…
URK!? (Via FOXNews) Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocolypse From the Centers for Disease Control? Where are all those gunboard threads on “What…