Home2011April5While the energy may have been “green”… While the energy may have been “green”… April 5, 2011February 13, 2021 It apparently failed to bring in the green. North Carolina’s first ethanol plant has filed for bankruptcy protection, hoping to reorganize under a new operating plan later this year. No, you really can’t make this stuff up–but then again, you don’t have to.
Creeping socialism (Via the Drudge Report) Isn’t creeping any longer. It’s here and if The Big O has his way, we may…
What? No “Car Czar”? President Barack Obama has decided to form a government task force for restructuring the struggling U.S. auto industry instead of…
The value of wood (Found on Timebomb 2000) In the event of a crash, would you rather have gold, or wood? Before you decide,…