Man-made disaster
(Via Geek with a .45) I’m not impressed with either man named Roosevelt who has been President of these United States (although I’ll admit to…
(Via Geek with a .45) I’m not impressed with either man named Roosevelt who has been President of these United States (although I’ll admit to…
For all the things you did for me, even when I was too damn stupid to realize what it must have cost you. For spending…
(Via Survival Blog) Circulating around the Intertubz (I saw it on SurvialBlog first, followed in rapid succession on 2 email lists and Facebook, for Pete’s…
Open a vein? BP chief executive Tony Hayward took a day off Saturday to see his 52-foot yacht “Bob” compete in a glitzy race off…
(Via the Drudge Report) Some days, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel… President Obama went to the groundbreaking of a road project in Columbus,…
The Obama administration plans to file suit challenging Arizona’s immigration law, officials told Fox News on Friday. The confirmation comes after Secretary of State Hillary…
If Obama and his gang have anything to do with it, you’re going to remembering it nostalgically. President Obama has a solution to the Gulf…
A Republican U.S. representative reversed himself after apologizing to BP CEO Tony Hayward earlier Thursday by saying BP was victim of a White House “shakedown,”…
A death row inmate who had used a gun to fatally shoot two men suffered the same fate Friday morning as he was executed by…
(Via the Drudge Report) Southwest Finds Shipment of Heads on a Plane No matter how you look at it, you just can’t help yourself.
(Via Say Uncle) My Ancestors Were Horse Thieves gives away the gun bloggers’ secret code. Great–now everyone will know what we’re talking about.
(Via the Drudge Report) The Intertubz is buzzing with the “ZOMG!!! Hit punched her in the face!” story of a Seattle cop who punched a…
Republican Congressional candidate William “Bill” Randall is suggesting that the Obama Administration and BP conspired to intentionally spill oil in the Gulf, resulting in 11…
Sent to me by one of my Internet spies… I really hate to link to CNN, but when it’s a guy handing the talking head…
Never one to let a crisis go to waste, The Big O and is O-bots would appear to be plotting how to extract every last…
The smartest guy in the room is apparently getting smarter. Just because the first two months of his administration’s response to the Deepwater Horizon drilling…
I’ve just been informed that my next door neighbor, a gentleman of 91, has passed away. He was a heck of a man. Like my…
Pretty much anyone with a survival mindset has been exposed to the concept of “situational awareness”. It has to do with the ever-changing balance you…
(Via Wired) Girlfriend bailed on you? Stuck with a house you hate? Life Sucks? Buy a Lamborghini and hit the road.
Well, it is if you’ve been ensconced in the ivory tower of academia and haven’t read the news for, oh, the last 3 years. But…
Control the flow of information and everything else becomes easy. A new U.S. Senate bill would grant the president far-reaching emergency powers to seize control…
Sounds to me more like someone lied. The seven experts who advised President Obama on how to deal with offshore drilling safety after the Deepwater…
Bond markets could get very nasty over the coming months, while stock investors could take a few months off and stop attempting to trade volatile…
(Via the Drudge Report) It’s no secret that the boys of Pointe du Hoc, like the rest of our WWII veterans, are leaving us at…
(Via the Drudge Report) Or, a simpler explanation would be that the old wind bag has been catered to and told how wonderful she was…
The Red & Black Cafe is no place for a man in blue. Police Officer James Crooker was asked to leave the vegan coffee shop…
Then you know the name John Wooden, the legendary coach of UCLA during their glory days in the 60s and 70s. RIP, Coach. The game…
Because being a movie director, finding the Titanic and going way deep in submarines makes you a deep water petroleum engineer, too. Or maybe he…
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Thursday defended White House attempts to influence Democratic candidates to drop their campaigns — even using the prospect…
(Via the munchkin wrangler) Yes, I’m noted for noting the bad and the ugly, but it’s time to note the good as well.