Year: 2010
Send in the Marines!
Do you remember the story of Ilario Pantano? The Marine officer who was almost railroaded on murder charges? I blogged about this one a while…
One simple act
(Via the Drudge Report) “For want of a nail a shoe was lost“. If you’re of a certain age, you know that old proverb, and…
The memories live on
As the son of a World War II veteran, stories like this mean a lot to me. For nearly seven decades, former 1st Sgt. Carl…
Our Hero speaks
Yesterday I blogged about a trio of robbers who suffered a catastrophic failure in the victim selection process when they tried to rob a Charlotte,…
Poverty stats
How blue is your state? I know mine is definitely hurting, and a lot of folks around here are quite blue about it. (Snarky aside–I…
Now here’s something uplifting
(From The Email List That Shall Not Be Named) Hyperinflation and how it might start. Be sure to read carefully the part about “how it…
I’ll take an extra large Self-Defense pizza to go, please
Charlotte-Mecklenburg police are continuing the search Tuesday afternoon for a suspect wanted in connection with an attempted restaurant robbery Monday night in east Charlotte that…
As Dilbert once said
There is a technological fix for everything. While running down the blogroll (something I don’t do as often as I should these days), I hit…
Taxpayer to Buffett: Get over yourself
(Via the Drudge Report) Man, but I hate it when some rich bastard, who would still be rich if you took 99% of his money,…
We are redeemed!
Browncoats, the hour of our redemption is at hand! The Firefly fan movie Browncoats: Redemption is here and is available for pre-“order” (technically, you’re giving…
The 325th Glider Infantry Regiment’s final stand
Both heart-warming and heart-wrenching. Never forget what these men and many like them did for us before we were born.
I love this guy
A rumor gets around that a high school is going to ban camouflage clothing at school. Facebook helps it spread like wildfire. Petitions and protest…
Can you be tracked by how your browser is configured?
(Via Timebomb 2000) I remember when I first saw the story in the early part of this year about a methodology for tracking you by…
And we maintain our membership…
…and give them money…why? He was greeted by applause when he walked into the United Nations General Assembly, and applauded again, even after questioning 9/11…
Um…not seeing anything new here
I have just wasted a large part of my lunch reading the Republican’s “Pledge To America“, and I’m sorry, but it looks like more of…
Guns don’t prevent crime
Not at all. It never happens–at least that’s what the anti-gunners would like people to believe. There’s a convenience store clerk in Surry County, NC…
Things I have seen
One of the things about living life in Condition Yellow is that you’ll notice things that escape most people. This has both good and bad…
Goodbye Summer, Hello FAIL
It’s the first day of Autumn, and no, I’m not planning on a tweet about it… Anyone checking this morning was probably greeted with…
The sad tale of Eric Scott
(Via Say Uncle) Former US Army Officer, shot down by the Las Vegas Police Department while legally carrying concealed. The story can begin here; you…
We should be so lucky
If this was true, not only would the Republicans take back the House and Senate, but they’d probably successfully impeach His Oneness. President Obama’s political…
When socialism doesn’t work
(Via the Drudge Report) Maybe prayer will help. The guy is throwing everything he can think of at the wall and hoping something will stick.…
We’re all hostages now
(Via the Drudge Report) Since the Tea Parties have made it utterly clear that we are most certainly not “all socialists now“, The Man Who…
Not any more, it doesn’t
TV’s longest running soap opera, “As The World Turns”, ends after a 54 year run. I can remember my mom watching this when I was…
Happy Constitution Day!
Read it lately? Be sure to grab a copy of the PDF file, just in case someone tries to make it go down the memory…
Once again, the Perpetually Offended
Are. Not that I’m attempting to denigrate their concerns, which I’m sure are heart-felt.
Nice to see they get the idea
As the Tea Party rolls along, racking up more and more victories, it’s nice to see the legacy political groups lining up for the fight.…
A challenge to another bad law
James A. D’Cruz, 18, has asked a federal judge to declare unconstitutional the ban on handgun sales by federally licensed dealers to 18-20-year-olds. It seems…
“You’re not a Batptist, are you?”
(Via Facebook) I have never heard of this lady, but you may bet your life I’m going to start listening or watching as much of…