That high whining sound you hear is Ted Kennedy turning 10,000 RPM. Now we’ll see if Scott Brown is as good as advertised, and just…
That high whining sound you hear is Ted Kennedy turning 10,000 RPM. Now we’ll see if Scott Brown is as good as advertised, and just…
And they pay particular attention to the rights of dead voters. And here I thought the Brown-Coakley contest was in Massachusetts, not Chicago.
It rhymes with “BATFE” and “Austin PD”. Via the Old Furt we have this little bit of statist thuggery, in which a Texas gun show…
…some amount until the special election in Massachusetts. Polls show Brown is leading Coakley by as much as 15 % and various Democrat power brokers…
Probably not. It’s just one of those footnotes in something the size of a world war. But it’s a footnote worthy of your time.
According to CNET News, Internet pioneer Jaron Lanier believes that “the wisdom of crowds”, embodied in sites like Wikipedia, is actually causing more harm than…
If this is true (and you have to wonder if CNBC would be stupid enough to put it out there without proof), I would not…
Since I seem to come up tops in search results for the phrase “Lexington gun show” (Brandon really needs to get a web site), in…
The Commerce Department said Thursday that retail sales declined 0.3 percent in December compared November… In an economy where consumer spending accounts for roughly 70%…
(Via the Drudge Report) At least he understands who he’d be working for if he gets elected.
(Via Timebomb 2000) It certainly seems so. Arizona state legislators go back to work Monday in an attempt to battle a nearly $1.5 billion dollar…
(Via the Drudge Report) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada described in private then-Sen. Barack Obama as “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect,…
Could Fed Chairman Timothy Geithner be involved in SEC rules violation? The New York Federal Reserve Bank under Timothy Geithner urged insurer AIG in late…
Eric S. Raymond (who, by the way, is always worth your time to read) has a tremendous piece titled “Escalating Complexity and the Collapse of…
We saw a similar exodus among Republicans in the last election, when they knew they couldn’t win. I have to wonder if the elect are…
And the punditry is scrabbling about, looking for a name for it. There’s a lot to be said for the decade–we avoided the disaster that…
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) defended Congress’ work on a healthcare bill Tuesday saying the process has displayed historic transparency, just as C-SPAN mounts an…
“Progressive” PSHes are breathlessly Sing their Ps because Gun Rights and Tea Party Activists Encourage People To Bring Guns To New Mexico Protest Yes, the…
…and the PSH crowd is perturbed. Dear Old Media: Your bias is showing–AGAIN!
(Via Worldnet Daily) Amy Carter, 15, pleaded with doctors not to send her home after spending two night at the Worcestershire Royal Hospital and even…
Because it’s starting to work: In a phone call Thursday, Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., urged South Carolina Republican Attorney General Henry McMaster, the head of…
Do I smell something…musty? Dusty? Sort of an ‘old’ smell? With the congressional GOP poised for a comeback in the 2010 midterm elections, Democrats are…
Beware of using your Christmas gift GPS until you’re smart enough to learn the thing’s limitations. In a holiday hurry, Jeramie Griffin piled his family…
Once again, our planet has reached an arbitrarily determined point in it’s orbit around the sun. 🙂 I’d like to wish you all a happy,…