Battlesight zero for your AR
Say Uncle points to a Cheaper Than Dirt blog post on battle sight zero. While there is much more to be said on the subject…
Say Uncle points to a Cheaper Than Dirt blog post on battle sight zero. While there is much more to be said on the subject…
…blowing your drink all over your keyboard. Curtis Lowe has our daily message from Dear Leader.
Last week, Friday I think, Rush Limbaugh had a ton of fun at the Big O’s expense, taking him to task for the Fiddlin’ Government’s…
Right, Gov. Perry. Sure. 🙂 Oh, and “Nice Shot“.
You would think that local governments might want to prepare to a possible state bankruptcy and the problems that would cause. Instead, they discuss banning…
More like a kangaroo court, if you ask me. Sen. Carl Levin accused a Goldman Sachs executive Tuesday of knowingly “trying to sell a sh—y…
(Link via Anarchangel) Found in a semi-random morning blog-walk: Surviving the World. Some thing that you can read, smile about and nod your head. Just…
Literally. Monday, somewhere between 8 AM and 3:30 PM, The Freehold was broken into. As such things go, it wasn’t so bad. They kicked in…
They’ll be glad to settle for cutting you off at the knees, I suspect. The head of the Environmental Protection Agency has disputed claims by…
Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took…
Former President Clinton on Sunday broadened his warning that Tea Party protesters could feed violence reminiscent of the Oklahoma City bombing, suggesting “right-wing media” and…
My good friend the Mountain Man has an excellent post celebrating the existence while mourning the passage of the Bright Leaf Drive-in in Mt. Airy,…
Report: Sales tax collections hit 50-year-low “For the opening months of 2009, early figures show an overall revenue decline of more than 12 percent, “a…
It would seen that Henry Waxman, Dumbass-LotusLand, has decided that it would be better to be believed a fool than to open his mouth and…
Xavier points us toward a M1 Carbine-esque conversion for the Ruger 10/22. Interesting.
Stratfor believes the recent Kyrgyz revolution has a distinct Russian odor to it. While not my area, it looks like a fairly sound conclusion based…
(Via the Drudge Report) The U.S. Postal Service’s current business model “is not viable” and the mail agency should make deeper job and wage cuts,…
Life is full of things that you don’t know. For example, we all watch movies, but we often never know the story of what hurdles…
Here’s what we have to look forward to if our Glorious Leader continues his excellent work Changing the economy: In the ongoing financial crisis in…
The Triangle’s three Democratic congressmen said Friday that they were not expecting a political backlash against the recently enacted health care law in the fall…
(Via the Patriot Post) I love the woman, apparently a member of the Perpetually Offended Class, who claims she would not feel safe in his…
(Via the Drudge Report) Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke warned Wednesday that Americans may have to accept higher taxes or changes in cherished entitlements…
North Carolina has the best governor money can buy. Obama has definitely gotten our money’s worth.
Or perhaps they are. Jim Shepherd of The Shooting Wire points out that some military bases are still demilling spent brass rather than reselling it…
And all content free, no doubt. President Obozo apparently thinks that North Carolinians bullshit easily. Not only do we not, but apparently neither does the…
I am amazed at how easy it is to fool some people. I know I shouldn’t be, but I am. Yesterday, President Obama announces a…
A review of movie reviews. If you’ve never met someone who fled Castro’s Cuba, this review of Andy Garcia’s “The Lost City” will lead you…
John Mauldin, who is one of the people I listen to on economics and the economy, has written a letter to his kids: “What does…
That the overheated stories about Democrats being “threatened” in the wake of the passage of the health care socialization bill abruptly disappeared after it was…