But isn’t this supposed to be impossible?
A taxi driver described as quiet but friendly went on a shooting spree across a picturesque rural area of northwestern England on Wednesday, killing at…
A taxi driver described as quiet but friendly went on a shooting spree across a picturesque rural area of northwestern England on Wednesday, killing at…
Perhaps, perhaps not, but this story on Charles Harrison, a B-24 tail gunner during WWII, is certainly suitable for everyone.
When California East becomes too much for me. Via the Lawdog, who notes that “In an unusual display of common sense, the Texas State Capitol…
I was checking my Facebook page, and found this a a comment to another person’s status. I’m not sure of the author; neither was the…
Not a “Happy” holiday to wish anyone, given the somber nature of it. Although most of us would rather think of it as the first…
As a long-time Money user, I was pretty well PO’d by Microsoft’s decision to discontinue the product. However, for something of a change the users…
…it’s just bound to work! With the Korean Peninsula on the brink of war, a major U.S. Military surge in Afghanistan, and a nuclear treaty…
Yes indeed, that’s what I said. It would seem a pissing contest (sorry, but that’s the most accurate, if not polite, term as I can…
(Via the Drudge Report) Doddering Chris Dodd fingers George W. Bush as the person responsible for the BP oil spill. This only adds to his…
Many have worried about “peak oil”, but maybe we should have worried about another resource–40 years ago. For oil, using it involves a chemical transformation…
Now it seems that the Big O is either A) running for President of the World or B) becoming enven more transparent with his plan…
After one time too many having to delete a spam comment, comment moderation is now on for all comments. For those of you who comment,…
(Via the Drudge Report) You know, it was crazy that Obama got to run against George W. Bush in 2008, especially since the man wasn’t…
(Via Attack Machine) The Big O’s plan for the future US is a lot of green jobs and a cleaner country. If Spain’s experience on…
A man whom the U.S. described as a key figure in Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula accidentally blew himself up, U.S. military officials told…
Wake County, North Carolina has been in an upheaval for months over a school assignment policy that was meant to promote “socioeconomic diversity” in the…
I call it a box of preps–introducing the Ramenbox. If you don’t want the poor college student reminiscences, then just go straight to the source.…
(From The Patriot Post) “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not…
(Via the Drudge Report) Greece is considering taking legal action against U.S. investment banks that might have contributed to the country’s debt crisis, Prime Minister…
(Via the Drudge Report) Let’s see some of that vaunted Liberal Tolerance in action–whatdaya say, Big O? When President Obama was asked if he would…
Speaking at Hampton University in Virginia, the president raised alarms when he said “information becomes a distraction, a diversion” that is putting “pressure on our…
(Via the Drudge Report) Longish and somewhat difficult to understand if you don’t have some familiarity with how stock markets work, this is still a…
…iPads and iPods are evil, because they strain “American Democracy”. He’s not too fond of bloggers either. What a tool we elected to the highest…
If you’re a good capitalist, then this article from CNBC ought to scare you right down to your undies. A couple of key quotes: “Clearly…
The Federal Reserve on Sunday opened a program to ship U.S. dollars to Europe in a move to head off a broader financial crisis on…
With a side of hot steamed crow for his accusers, I hope. A Virginia military jury found a Navy SEAL not guilty Thursday on all…
Yes, and we know you too, Big Brother. Your desperation shows us that your days are numbered, that you understand this and that you are…
(Via the Drudge Report) We all knew it was only a matter of time before the attempted bombing of Times Square would be found to…