Home2010December23Order! Ve vill haf Order! Order! Ve vill haf Order! December 23, 2010February 13, 2021 (Via the Drudge Report) An airline pilot decides to expose security theater for the farce it is and has his house searched by Federal and local law enforcement for his trouble. I wonder if this is how people behind the iron curtain felt?
A sign of hope? (Via Timebomb 2000) Remember the 92 year old woman, shot to death in her home in Atlanta last winter by…
The ways of monsters The Geek With a .45 recently made a trip to Hungary. You should read these 2 posts (1 & 2)…
Something to make you smile (Via the Drudge Report) Seeing liberals get hit squarely between the eyes with a clue bat just never gets old.