Home2010August15In a survival situation, do you have what it takes? In a survival situation, do you have what it takes? August 15, 2010February 15, 2021 (Via an email list that must remain anonymous) Laurence Gonzales, author of Deep Survival, distills it down into 12 rules.
Screw Duke I’ve been a fan of Duke University (no linky love; reason to follow) for years, even though it’s not my…
“Atlas Shrugged” was a warning, not a manual: The best government money can buy (Sorry about the twofer, but it’s just a good day for this sort of thing, it seems.) Democratic Gov. Bev…
What a wuss A Republican U.S. representative reversed himself after apologizing to BP CEO Tony Hayward earlier Thursday by saying BP was victim…
That is a great book, and one I recommend to all the fellows I train, that they read, no matter what their level of experience. Reply
That is a great book, and one I recommend to all the fellows I train, that they read, no matter what their level of experience.