Home2010July10Potentially useful skills Potentially useful skills July 10, 2010February 13, 2021 (Via the LawDog) Urban Escape and Evasion and Escaping zip ties. Let’s hope we need neither.
Never thought I’d see that For the past week, I’ve been watching the Democrats in Washington lurch and stumble, zombie-like, toward…”he-a-a-ath…ca-a-a-re…re-e-e-fo-o-orm”. It’s been fascinating. It’s…
Scissors (Via the Drudge Report) Really? Scissors against a nut job with a gun? Screw you, Homeland Insecurity.
This crisis couldn’t possibly be our fault (Via the Drudge Report) Greece is considering taking legal action against U.S. investment banks that might have contributed to the…