Home2009December7Pearl Harbor mystery–solved? Pearl Harbor mystery–solved? December 7, 2009February 13, 2021 (Via FoxNews) The remains of a Japanese mini-submarine that participated in the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor have been discovered, researchers are to report today, offering strong evidence that the sub fired its torpedoes at Battleship Row. Even after 68 years, the Sunday morning attack on Pearl Harbor is still making history.
Does the military know something we don’t? Military families are being encouraged to “load up their pantries” as the Defense Commissary Agency launches an awareness campaign encouraging…
If all police officers (Via The View From The Porch) Were like Chris Hernandez, we’d have a much more pleasant country. And a lot less…
As per your request Kevin at The Smallest Minority is asking for some publicity help, because PayPal is a bunch of anti-civil rights bigots…